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Strengthens and tones: Eagle pose engages and strengthens various muscles in the body, including the legs, hips, glutes, core, shoulders, and arms.
Hip and Shoulder Opening: The twisting of the limbs in Eagle pose provides a deep stretch for the shoulders, upper back, and hips. Regular practice can improve flexibility and range of motion in these areas.
Enhances balance and concentration: Balancing on one leg in Eagle pose challenges your stability and cultivates a sense of balance. The focus required to maintain the pose also helps to enhance concentration and mental focus.
Energising and Rejuvenating: While Eagle pose requires effort and concentration, it can also be invigorating and rejuvenating, leaving you feeling refreshed after the practice.
Knee or ankle injuries: If you have any knee or ankle injuries or chronic pain in these areas, it's advisable to approach Eagle Pose with caution. The pose involves wrapping one leg around the other, which can put strain on the joints. Modify the pose by keeping the wrapped leg at a lower position or placing the toes on the ground for support.
Shoulder injuries: Individuals with shoulder injuries or limitations should be mindful when practicing Eagle Pose. The pose requires crossing the arms and bringing the palms together, which may not be suitable for everyone. Modify the pose by keeping the arms at a comfortable position or practice a variation that focuses more on the lower body.
Balance issues: Eagle Pose involves balancing on one leg while wrapping the other leg around. If you have balance issues or difficulty with standing balances, it's advisable to practice near a wall or use a chair for support until your balance improves.
Recent surgery: If you have had recent surgery, particularly on the knees, ankles, shoulders, or hips, it's best to avoid or modify Eagle Pose to avoid any strain or discomfort.
Pregnancy: Pregnant individuals should approach Eagle Pose with caution, particularly as the pregnancy progresses. Modify the pose by keeping the feet on the ground and avoiding deep wrapping or compression of the abdomen.
High blood pressure: Eagle Pose involves wrapping the arms and can create temporary constriction in the circulation. If you have high blood pressure or any cardiovascular concerns, modify the pose by keeping the arms in a less constricted position and avoid excessive tension in the upper body.
Cow Face Pose (Gomukhasana): This pose helps open the shoulders and stretch the upper arms, which are important for the arm position in Eagle pose. Also the legs cross mimicking Eagle pose.
Eagle Arms (Garudasana Arms): Practicing just the arm position of Eagle pose while sitting or standing or in High Lunge can help prepare the shoulders and arms for the full expression of the pose.
Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose (Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana) : Or an easier variation with just the knee lifting to hip height. This standing balance pose helps improve hip stability and balance, which are beneficial for the standing leg in Eagle pose.
Cue In
1 - From standing shift your weight onto your left foot and slightly bend the knee.
2 - Lift your right foot off the ground and cross leg over your left thigh. If possible, hook the right foot behind the left calf.
3 Find your balance and engage your core for stability.
4 Bring your arms forward, parallel to the ground.
5 Cross your left arm over your right arm, hug the shoulders. Stay here or..
6 Wrap your forearms together, bringing your palms to touch if possible. If your palms don't touch, you can press the backs of your hands together.
7 Draw your shoulder blades down and back, feeling a gentle opening in your upper back.
8 Find a point of focus to help with balance and concentration.
“Ground through the left foot, spread the weight evenly.”
“Maintaining an upright posture, lengthening the spine, and lifting the chest.”
“Place the lifted foot on the ground with toes touching the floor for balance if needed.”
“squeeze the arms together, feeling a sense of oppositional energy.”
“Soften the shoulders away relax the back of the neck.”
“Engage the core muscles to help with stability.”
Shoulder Adjustment: If excessively holding or shrugging, gently touch there shoulders and they will melt.
Counter Poses
Wide-Legged Forward Bend (Prasarita Padottanasana): This pose stretches the hamstrings and inner thighs, which can feel nice after the legs have been squeezed together.
Bound Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana): The interlaced arms behind opens the shoulders and chest opposite from the Eagle Arm position and releases tension in the hamstrings and lower back.
Reverse Prayer Arms in Pyramid Pose : provides a counter stretch to the shoulder and arm position in Eagle pose.
"See the variations,
simple to complex"
Change the arm positions hug the shoulders instead of Eagle Arms or Prayer hands.
Play with the spine position folding instead of maintaining an upright posture.
Eagle Side Crow - Squat deeper keeping the legs the same, take the knees and balance them on your arms to challenge upper body strength and core.

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