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Warrior 1
virabhadrasana 1
Strength and Stability: Warrior 1 strengthens the legs, especially the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, providing stability and grounding. It also engages the core muscles to support the upright posture.
Hip and Chest Opening: The pose opens up the hips and stretches the hip flexors, which can become tight due to prolonged sitting. It also opens the chest, promoting better posture and respiratory function.
Balance and Focus: Warrior 1 challenges balance and stability, enhancing body awareness and concentration. It cultivates mental focus and inner strength, bringing a sense of empowerment.
Energising and Invigorating: The pose activates the entire body, promoting circulation and energy flow. It can help relieve fatigue and stimulate the mind.
Mind-Body Connection: Warrior 1 encourages a sense of grounding, strength, and connection between the body and mind. It can promote a sense of confidence, courage, and resilience.
High blood pressure: Warrior 1 Pose involves raising the arms overhead, which can temporarily increase blood pressure. If you have uncontrolled high blood pressure or hypertension, it's advisable to modify the pose by keeping the hands on the hips or at heart center.
Shoulder or neck injuries: Individuals with shoulder or neck injuries should be cautious when practicing Warrior 1. The pose involves reaching the arms overhead and can put stress on the shoulders and neck. It's important to avoid any pain or discomfort and modify the pose as needed by keeping the hands on the hips or using props for support.
Hip or knee injuries: People with hip or knee injuries or limitations should approach Warrior 1 with caution. The pose requires a deep lunge which can put strain on these joints. Modifying the pose with a shorter stance or using props, such as blocks under the hands, can be helpful.
Low back issues: Individuals with chronic low back pain or disc issues should be mindful when practicing Warrior 1. The pose involves a backbend and can put stress on the lower back. Engaging the core and maintaining proper alignment can help protect the lower back.
Balance or stability issues: Warrior 1 requires a degree of balance and stability. People with balance issues, vertigo, or other stability concerns may need to modify the pose or practice with the support of a wall or chair.
Pregnancy: Pregnant individuals should approach Warrior 1 with caution, especially as the pregnancy progresses. Modifying the pose by widening the stance and not deepening the lunge can be more comfortable and safe.
High Lunge (Ardha Chandrasana) : High lunge helps to open the hip flexors, strengthen the legs, and improve balance, making it a great preparation for Warrior 1. The back knee can be bent and the pelvis can be brought into neutral alignment allowing the spine to also be long and neutral so great for avoiding the backbend in Warrior 1.
Low Lunge (Anjaneyasana) : Low lunge on the knees stretches the hip flexors and prepares the body for the deep lunge position in Warrior 1 while being closer to the floor and so more stable and less intensive.
Cue In
1 - From Mountain Pose (Tadasana) Step your left foot far behind you grounding the heel.
2 - Bend your right knee over your right ankle.
3 - Square your shoulders towards the front of the mat.
4 - Raise your arms overhead.
5 - Lengthen your spine finding a gentle backbend while keeping your core engaged.
6 - Gaze forward or slightly upwards, finding a focal point to help maintain balance and focus.
“Ground down through the outer edge of your back foot, keeping it firmly planted on the mat.”
“Activate your quadriceps by lifting your kneecaps and firming the muscles of your thighs.“
“Keep your neck long and relaxed.”
Front Leg Alignment: If the front knee is collapsing in or out, (foot pronating or supinating) you can place your hand on the outer edge of their front knee and ask them to press into it, encouraging alignment and engagement of the leg muscles.
Lifting the Chest: Standing beside the practitioner, place your hands on their upper back or shoulders and gently lift and draw the chest forward. This assists in maintaining an upright and open chest, promoting better posture and deeper breath.
Lengthening the Arms: If the practitioner is struggling to reach their arms overhead or keep them parallel, you can provide support by holding their wrists or forearms and gently guiding their arms upward or slightly widening them.
Counter Poses
Pyramid Pose (Parsvottanasana): Provides a deep stretch for the hamstrings and calves, while also lengthening the spine. The quads of the front leg can become less active giving them a bit of a release.
Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana): Forward folds help to lengthen and release the back and leg muscles, providing a stretch to the back body.
"See the variations,
simple to complex"
Different arm variations such as Cactus-Arm Variation or Bound Variation: Bring the hands behind the back, interlace the fingers, and squeeze shoulders together to open chest.
High Lunge: Instead of grounding the back heel, keep the back leg lifted with the knee bent, finding balance and strength in a high lunge position. (Ardha Chandrasana)

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