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These flexible passes have a validity of three months.
Starter Offer
19.99£NEWBIES ONLY *Doesn't include SOARValid for 7 daysShort Termer
50£5 CLASSESValid for 3 monthsSolid Pack
95£10 CLASSESValid for 3 months
For the best prices, go recurring! Includes access to pre-recorded videos.
Weekly Stretcher
36£Every month1x PER WEEK / (4x PER MONTH)ÂSworn In
80£Every monthMONTHLY UNLIMITEDÂSteady Goer
68£Every month2x PER WEEK / (8x PER MONTH)Â
For the best prices, go recurring! Includes access to pre-recorded videos.
Weekly Stretcher
36£Every month1x PER WEEK / (4x PER MONTH)ÂSworn In
80£Every monthMONTHLY UNLIMITEDÂSteady Goer
68£Every month2x PER WEEK / (8x PER MONTH)Â
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