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Yoga Sutras
Sutra 1.37

vīta-rāga-viṣayaṁ vā cittam

Or by concentrating on the mind devoid of attachment to sense objects.

This sutra describes a state of mind that is unaffected or undisturbed by its interactions with the external world. It is a mind that does not develop attachments to the objects it encounters through the senses. Cittam (Mind): In Yoga, "citta" refers to the totality of the mind, encompassing our thoughts, emotions, memories, intellect, and consciousness. It is the aspect of ourselves that experiences the world and processes information. The state of the mind plays a crucial role in determining our overall well-being and the quality of our life experiences. Vīta (Devoid): The term "vīta" denotes a state of being free from, devoid of, or beyond something. In this context, it refers to the absence of a particular quality or attribute, which is crucial to understand: "vīta-rāga-viṣayaṁ vā cittam" speaks about a mind devoid of something called "rāga" (attachment) to "viṣaya" (sense objects). Rāga (Attachment): In the context of the mind, "rāga" refers to attachment or desire. It is a state of being excessively drawn or connected to external objects or experiences. These objects can be material possessions, relationships, pleasurable sensations, or even certain ideas or beliefs. Attachment arises when we associate our happiness, contentment, or sense of self with the presence or acquisition of these external objects. Viṣaya (Sense Objects): "Viṣaya" refers to the objects of the senses, things that we perceive and interact with in the external world. They can be tangible objects or intangible experiences. Examples of sense objects include food, entertainment, beauty, success, approval, and so on. These objects can trigger various emotional responses in the mind.
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